Rhode Island Young Professionals

Thank you all for volunteering and for participating in RIYP’s Special Events. We could not do this without your support!
JULY 2008
RIYP’s Personal & Professional Development (PPD) Committee
Hosted An Educational Workshop on Financial Planning
In Partnership with New York Life:
What to expect from the Workshop?
- To find out what successful people KNOW and DO that separates them from the other 90% of the population!
- To NETWORK with young professionals who are today’s and tomorrow’s leaders
- To learn why being a member of RIYP is imperative in today’s day and age
With Special Guest Speaker: Joseph Kuo, JD Corporate Vice President Senior Advanced Planning Consultant, New York Life
Northeastern Zone
DATE: Wednesday, August 6th, 2008
LOCATION: 10 Orms Street, Suite 410
Providence, RI 02904
(hors d’oeuvres and refreshments will be served)
Space is limited. Please Contact Personal and Professional Development Chair, Tuoc B. Dao, LUTCF to RSVP at (401) 263-4554
The National Urban League hosted its 2008 Annual Conference at the Orlando World Center Marriott in Orlando, FL from last week -Saturday July 26th to Saturday August 2nd, 2008. Presidential Nominees Barack Obama and John McCain attended and discusedd plans for an urban agenda.
May 2008
Thursday, May 22nd from 4PM-6:30PM Youth In Action located on Broad Street, Providence RI, will hosts a Career Day. At the Career Day, YIA members will have the opportunity to engage with adult professionals who live and work throughout Rhode Island.
This event allowed YIA to invite diverse professionals to share their expertise with YIA members. As they head off to college, many of our young people are curious about the work that is being done in their communities and the skills that are in demand. YIA youth members got involed in questions answered and gain a better understanding of what it takes to make their career aspirations a reality.
Contact RIYP Personal and Professional Development Chair Tuoc Dao at [email protected] interested in volunteering.
RIYP Members and friends enjoyed on Sunday May 25, 2008 from 11am-1pm @ Paragon Restaurant (234 Thayer St, Providence, RI 02906) (40) 331-6200. It was an all you can eat gourmet buffet $13.99 (includes unlimited, coffee, soda, and juice). Buffet ends at 2PM. Contact Parliamentarian Cindy Jones at [email protected] more information.
Ultimate Events:
Sunday May 25th, 2008 from 8PM to 2AM at Waterplace Restaurant. Sunsplash includes: A Fashion Show, live Performances by Jade Belly Dance Studio and up and coming R&B group AHMIR, the Dorm Room Entertainment Artist Showcase, admission to Summer Splash Afterparty.
Free Appetizers and admission to The Sphinx Lounge (OutDoor, Tented Lounge) hosted by the Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc, Mu Theta Lambda Alumni Chapter. Ultimate Tickets including all events are $30 per person. Summersplash Afterparty tickets are $10. For more information contact : [email protected]
RIYP “THE KEY TO THE CITY” RECOGNITION SOCIAL: “The Key to the City” Recognition Social took place Monday, May 12th from 7:00pm – 9:00pm at Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar at the Westin Hotel, Providence, RI. Event Tickets:In-kind donation of $10.00 dollars for Urban League Members (includes RIYP and The Guild members) and $15.00 for Non Members. To purchase tickets contact Fred McLin.
RIYP WEDNESDAY MIXERS: Rewind Wednesdays were held the second Wednesday of each month. A time to network and socialize with the Rhode Island Young Professionals, and the brothers of the Alumni Chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. For more info, contact For more info, contact [email protected]
NULYP NATIONAL DAY OF SERVICE: Annual Youth Financial Fitness. The Rhode Island Young Professionals held its 6th Annual Youth Financial Fitness on Saturday, May 10, 2008 at South Providence Development Corporation, Providence RI from 11:00am – 1:00pm. Students enrolled in grades 6 through 12 and their families are invited to attend the workshop entitled “What is the cost of Cool?” to teach students on the importance of basic budgeting and smart spending habits. RIYP will provide food and the opportunity for students to meet its members and other represented community organizations.
March 2008
RIYP Panel Discussion: “The Rate of Incarceration for Males of Color in the State of Rhode Island”. Took place Thursday, March 20th, 2008 from 6:00PM to 9:00PM at Brown University, Macmillan 117, 167 Thayer Street.
This discussion was aimed at not only bringing more awareness to this issue, but at also instigating productive conversation around the factors contributing to this phenomenon as well as identifying what steps can be taken to help mitigate this problem. A well-rounded group of panelists participated in this discussion; included representatives from law enforcement, political, community development, religious and judicial backgrounds.
RIYP Night Out: RIYP members and friends attended The Bluest Eyes Play: Adapted by Lydia Diamond from the novel by Toni Morrison, Directed by Don Mays Eleven-Pecola Breedlove prays for the one thing she knows will change her life – eyes as blue as Shirley Temple’s. The Bluest Eyeis the heartrending story of three girls coming of age in a world that is equal parts beauty and ugliness, love and hate, triumph and tragedy.e-mail [email protected].
The 2008 National Council of Urban League Guilds Eastern and Southern Regional Conference will was held from March 13 through March 15th at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront, 700 Aliceanna St., Baltimore, Maryland. For more information, contact Eastern Regional Coordinator Lynette Lopes at 401-331-1803/ [email protected], or Southern Regional Coordinator Patricia Tankerson at 819-467-7989/ [email protected].
RIYP & The College Crusade: Career PANEL DISCUSSION
Young Professionals share career and educational path with high school student, inspire, motivate and encourage them to purse a post-secondary education. Stories inspire personal and educational growth amongst our youth! The College Crusade of Rhode Island 2008 Career Expo ! Location: Johnson & Wales University (Harborside Campus) Date: Friday, February 22nd 2008 from 10:30am – 12:00pm. For more information and to participate in the panel, contact Erika Read [email protected] .
Access Challenge is an educational program designed to educate non-disabled people about the importance of handicap accessibility in public places through hands on experience. Participants volunteer to use a wheelchair for two days. Each participant will be loaned a wheelchair, given journal and a disposable camera in order to document their experiences. At the end of the program there will be a forum/reception to discuss the participants’ experiences.
The George Wiley Center and the RI Campaign to Eliminate Childhood Poverty hosted three community forums to provide information on topics such as how to handle unaffordable utility bills, universal breakfast in severe need schools, and fair economic growth in Rhode Island. Session on Education and Affordable Energy were held at the Woonsocket Senior Center.
January 2008
5th Annuall Winter Soiree & Silent Art Auction : Was held January 26, 2008, at the Hilton Hotel in Providence. The events keynote speaker were Ramone Segree, President of Segree Assocations. This event included an evening of prints and paintings from some of Rhode Island’s most talented artists. We will also present achievement awards to individuals and organizations that have had a significant impact on YP in 2007. If you’re interested in joining the committee next year, please contact Winter Soiree Chair, Camila Crews at [email protected]
December 2007
held last Fridays of the month RIYP Friday monthly networking at the Providence Black Repertory Company, 276 Westminster Street in Providence. It’s free to attend, and there will be music provided and refreshments on hand. for more info, [email protected]
November 2007
The Urban League Guild of RI Saturday November 17, 2007at the John Hope Settlement House (7 Thomas P. Whitten Way). Representatives from URI, ProvidenceCollege, RIC, CCRI, RogerWilliamsUniversity, HowardUniversity, MorehouseCollege, Hampton University, North CarolinaA&T and many more will be in attendance. There will be raffles and information on scholarships available. There will also be free childcare for children ages 5-10 (space is limited). The Fair will last from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.and admission is free. For more information contact The Urban League Guild of RI @ (401) 351-5000 x 141.
The 18th annual Urban League Black & White Ball will be held on Oct. 20 at the Hyatt Regency, Goat Island, Newport, RI. Proceeds from the event will be used to support community services as well as the Early Childhood Learning Center provided by the Urban League. For additional information, contact Vera Wilson at 401-351-500 x129.
July 2007
1st Annual RIYP Sound Session; All-White Affair
Hosted by The Rhode Island Young Professionals and The Providence
Black Repertory Theatre and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. For more
information on the event , to volunteer on RIYP’s Summer Eleganza
Committte and/or Sponsorship opportunities, contact Erika Read at:
[email protected].
May 2007
The Rhode Island Young Professionals will hold its 2nd Annual Youth Financial
Fitness May 2008, This is the 5th Annual National Day of Service under the
National Urban League Young Professionals (NULYP). Students enrolled in
grades 6 through 12 and their families are invited to attend the workshop
entitled “What is the cost of Cool?” to teach students on the importance of
basic budgeting and smart spending habits. RIYP will provide food and the
opportunity for students to meet its members and other represented
community organizations.
To find out more information about or to register for 2009 taking place in Chicago the conference go to http://www.nul.org/2008conference/.
The All White Affair; A Summer Eleganza event is part of Black Rep’s genre-defying music festival, Sound Session ’08. Took place Thursday, July 10th 2008. The only Sound Session event offering an upscale networking dinner and gala for business leaders, community champions, and up-and-coming professionals. Drawing from the charm and beauty of Caribbean, Pacific, and other Island Cultures, Eleganza guests were draped in all white attire, enjoyed a carefully selected dinner from Downcity Providence’s premiere Restaurant and Lounge, Waterplace. With a Jazz reception, the latter part of the evening was devoted to dancing and entertainment provided by surprise guests, live performers and Providence’s best DJ’s. Entertainment includes highly acclaimed soul singer Kim Trusty and WRIU’s Blade Mon.