Rhode Island Young Professionals




RIYP Members recieve Special discount Tickets to RIYP Special Events including the All White Affair; A Summer Eleganza and RIYP’s Winter Soiree event.


A duly authorized member in good standing shall:

  1. Be between the ages of 21 and 40.
  2. Attend two community service group events throughout their membership tenure (1yr).
  3. Pay an annual membership fee of $50, which in part shall go towards membership with the Urban League of Rhode Island.

Any person(s) interested in obtaining membership must:

  1. Fill out the membership application.
  2. Attend a New Members Orientation before being accepted into membership.

Membership benefits include:

· Members-Only RIYP events

. Lifespan Learning Institute: Professional Development workshop

· Urban League of Rhode Island Membership

· Subscription to Urban League of Rhode Island Newsletter

· Discount to RIYP Events: Discounts to Urban League of Rhode Island, National Urban League and National Urban League Young Professionals functions including: The Black & White Ball, Corporate Luncheon, Annual Dinner, Regional and National Conferences

· Enterprise Rent A Car discount

· Professional Seminars and Workshops

· Excellent Networking Opportunities

· Much More….

Do not forget, RIYP is a member-based organization. That means

each one of us is a volunteer! Make sure you are, at minimum,

completing your membership requirement of participating in 2

community service events per membership year. What is the easiest

way to do this? Join a committee, standing committee (Membership,

Social, MarCom, etc…) or a special events committee (ex. Winter

Soiree, Summer Eleganza, or National Day of Service, etc…).

To become a members and a part of the Movement, please complete

the Membership Application which can also be sent to you via e-mail or


RIYP General Body Meetings are held on the first Thursday of every

month from 6:00pm-8:00pm.

For more information on Membership email: [email protected]