Rhode Island Young Professionals

This forum for RIYP members and non-members to share information with others about community events. Forums are free and open to the public.
October 2008
Coming Together to Build Better Schools: Urban Education for the 21st Century
CLICK on Link to view photos and Forum summary: http://www.annenberginstitute.org/UETF/index_new.php
(Left to right) Charles M. Payne, Jr. University of Chicago and Dr. Warren Simmons, Executive Director of the Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University.
The Rhode Island Young Professionals, in an initiative to promote civic engagement in the Rhode Island community, invite residents and education stakeholders to help inform Governor Donald Carcieri’s Urban Education Task Force about the best solutions for the state’s urban public schools. The forum will be facilitated by Warren Simmons, executive director of the Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University, and will include a talk by Charles Payne, a national expert and leader in education reform, and a panel representing parents, youth, teachers, administrators, and community activists from Rhode Island’s five core urban school districts (Providence, Pawtucket, Central Falls, Woonsocket, and Newport).
Sponsored by:
Urban Education Task Force, convened by Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri, Providence Public Schools, Rhode Island Young Professionals, an Auxiliary of the Urban League of Rhode Island, Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University and Nellie Mae Education Foundation.
LOCATION: was hosted at CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL located at 70 Fricker Street Providence, RI 02903
Translation services were available. Spanish, Portuguese, Cambodian, and Hmong. Coffee and lunch was served. For more information, please contact: [email protected] or Tel 401-338-7606
March 2008
Rhode Island Young Professionals presented “The Incarceration Rate for Males of Color in the State of Rhode Island “
WHO: Panelists: Judge William Clifton , Associate Justice of the Rhode Island District Court; Representative Steven M. Constantino , Chair of the House Finance Committee; Sol Rodriguez, Executive Director of the Rhode Island Family Life Center; Reverend Janice Thompson, Pastor of River of Life Church ; AT Wall, II , Director of the RI Department of Corrections; Opening Remarks: Glenn C. Loury, Professor of the Social Sciences and Economics, Brown University Facilitator: Warren Simmons, Executive Director; Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University
WHERE: Brown University, McMillan Hall, Room 117- 167 Thayer Street, Providence
WHEN: Thursday, March 20, 2008 – 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
WHY: This discussion will raise awareness about the incarceration rate for males of color in the state of Rhode Island and start a dialogue surrounding the factors contributing to this phenomenon. During this discussion, we will identify the necessary steps that can be taken to help mitigate this problem:
- 38 percent of Rhode Island’s total incarcerated population comes from Providence
- The annual cost of incarcerating offenders from Providence exceeds $32 million annually
- 1 in 3 adult Black males living in Providence is on probation or parole
- 1 in 8 adult Hispanic males living in Providence is on probation or parole (data from www.provplan.org)
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